compass surveying lesson 3

1.     BEARING OF THE LINE:-  The horizontal angle made by the survey line with some fixed reference direction is bearing of line.
2.     The fixed reference is known as Meridian
3.     The meridians are
4.     True meridian
5.     Magnetic meridian
6.     Arbitrary meridian
7.     True Meridian:  It is the line passing through the point  and  joining the North and South poles of the earth.
8.     True Bearing: It is he horizontal angle made by the survey line with the true meridian
9.     Magnetic Meridian: The direction shown by a freely suspended well balanced Magnetic Needle at any point is termed as Magnetic Meridian
10.                        Magnetic Bearing: Horizontal angle made by the survey line with the magnetic meridian.
11.                        Arbitrary Meridian: Any arbitrarily assumed direction chosen to measure the bearings is termed as Arbitrary Meridian
12.                        Arbitrary Bearing: The horizontal angle made by the survey line with the arbitrary meridian
13.                        Bearings are designated by two systems
Whole Circle Bearing ( WCB )
 Quadrantal Bearing  or reduced bearings( QB or RB )
   The bearing of a line measured from the North in clockwise direction.
   The value of WCB varies  from 00 to 3600
         The bearing of a Line observed either from the North or South
         Measured in Clockwise  (or) Anticlockwise direction
  Towards East or West
§  The value of QB ranges between 00 to 900

14.      Declination: The horizontal angle subtended between the true meridian and the magnetic meridian.
·        If the Magnetic Meridian is towards East of True Meridian, the declination is East
·        If the Magnetic Meridian is towards West of True Meridian, the declination is West

  The relation between the true bearing and magnetic bearing of a line can be written as
1.              True Bearing = Magnetic Bearing  ±  Declination.
2.              For East declination, +ve Sign is to be used where as –ve sign is used for West declination.
3.              Magnetic Bearing = True Bearing ± Declination
4.              For East declination, –ve sign is to be used where as -ve sign is used for West declination.
1.              A magnetic needle indicates the north direction when freely suspended or pivoted.
2.              Some times the needle comes near some magnetic substances such as iron ore, steel structures, electric cables conveying current etc.
3.              Then it is found to be deflected from its true direction and does not show the actual magnetic north.
4.              This disturbing influence of magnetic substances is known as Local Attraction.
5.              If all the lines of a traverse are found to be affected by local attraction
a.           The line with minimum error is identified
b.           The fore bearing and back bearing of this line are adjusted by distributing the error equally
c.               Then starting from this adjusted line, the fore and back bearings of other lines are corrected

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