IIT Delhi is planning to develop a small household aesthetic and compact model of biogas digester which will be of the size of domestic refrigerator or washing machine, where household generated kitchen waste and food leftover material can be converted into biogas. This may supplement LPG for cooking as minor changes in the burner stove design make it compatible for both LPG and biogas. The burner can run on both fuels, depending upon availability. This may help us to save at least 10–15% of LPG consumption in households.

 Not only in the capital but in most of the cities, waste management issues are becoming important for municipalities and consuming most of their budget. The waste is heaping up like mountains and we do not have a fool proof solution to it. This problem can be combated by segregating biodegradable waste and then subjecting to household biogas plants/entrepreneurial system of biogas. Nowadays, in rural areas some persons are not willing to touch and handle cow dung. This is one of the reasons for non–functioning of many biogas plants. This situation can be overcome if entrepreneurial based biogas system is promoted in rural areas where a large biogas plant is setup in the village and gas is distributed through pipeline. This will ensure proper management of dung and waste collection, biogas and bio manure distribution to every household by the entrepreneurs on nominal charge basis.

In such a way waste management can become self-reliant by providing energy and biofertilizer. Such initiatives taken by people to utilize the waste generated by them will help in keeping the environment clean, green and disease free by which everyone can contribute to the Prime Minister’s vision and mission of Swacchh Bharat Abhiyan


The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy(MNRE) introduced the National Biogas and Manure Management Programme (NBMMP) in 1981. It’s a Central Sector Scheme, which provides for setting up of Family Type Biogas Plants mainly for rural and semi-urban households. The aim of the NBMMP is to specifically utilize biogas energy in order to address the deficiency in adequate cooking energy sources in India. The government views biogas technology as a vehicle to reduce rural poverty and as a tool in it’s drive for rural development. The most important instrument in the promotion of biogas technology is the provision of allowances paid towards the investment costs which benefit the farmers directly. The extent of this sum is defined by the size of the plant, the social category of the user and the relevant part of the country where the plant being promoted is located.

Over 48 lakh small biogas plants of family sized (1 cubic metre onwards) for cattle manure are installed so far against a potential of 1.2 croe. The Central Financial Assistance (CFA) on biogas plant provided under National Biogas and Manure Management Programme.


The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy had also started a scheme “Biogas based Distributed/Grid Power Generation Programme” from 2005–06 with a view to promote biogas based power generation, especially in the small capacity range. Biogas based power units can be a reliable decentralized power generation option in the country. In order to promote this route of power generation, specifically in the small capacity range (3 kW to 250 kW), based on the availability of large quantity of animal wastes and wastes from forestry, rural based industries (agro/food processing), kitchen wastes, etc. The central financial assistance for such projects will be limited to a maximum of Rs 30000 to 40000 per kW depending upon capacity of the power generating projects in the range of 3 kW to 250 kW of different rating limited to 40% of the plant cost

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India is contemplating National Biogas Mission for setting up of 1 crore biogas plant by 2022. Already a task force has been constituted by the Ministry, which is working on preparation of Mission Document.
This will be an initiative for utilizing all kind of bio–waste for biogas production for cooking, power generation and automotive fuel, for providing energy security and promoting organic agriculture in the country.
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