The issue of solid waste management, till now, was not so much of a problem as per capita consumption of materials and hence, per capita generation of solid waste was much lower among rural populace as compared to the urban. Moreover, the rural population was also diffused and most of the solid waste generated was essentially organic in nature (food waste and agri residue), which was either composted or used as fodder. There was very less usage of packaged materials and hence, very little packaging waste generation.

Situation is however fast changing in rural, more so, in rural-urban areas, where use of packaged materials is growing and the waste composition is also becoming complex. This can no longer be handled by simple processing techniques like composting but requires more robust and locally available waste processing options to deal with the solid waste without polluting the environment.

As of now, it is estimated that rural India is generating liquid waste (grey water) of the order of 1,500 to 1,800 crore litres and solid waste (organic/recyclable) 3 to 4 lakh metric tones per day respectively. The production of energy from such waste, especially solid waste, will depend upon the specific treatment processes, seasonal variations etc. Important physical parameters are the size of the constituents and the density and moisture content of the waste. The important chemical parameters are the fixed carbon content, calorific value, VS (volatile solid) contents, Carbon to Nitrogen ratio (C:N ratio), toxicity and inert
fraction present in waste.

In addition to solid and liquid waste, the rural areas also generate agri-residues and forestry biomass waste, which can be utilized for energy generation. A study carried out by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) on availability of biomass for energy generation in selected districts reveals that there is surplus biomass available in rural areas which can be effectively used for energy generation. For example, the survey estimated that there is 54,600 and 70,000 tones of annual surplus biomass from agricultural and industrial sources in Pune and Thane districts of Maharashtra.

Technology option for energy generation from waste in rural areas

Different waste processing technology options, which are commercially viable in Indian conditions and can be used at the scale from 50 kg/day to 1.5-2.0 tonnes/day, can be deployed in rural areas include

1.  Anaerobic (without air) digestion or biomethanation process and using it for

a)Thermal application (e.g. cooking)
b) Power generation
c) The residue of the process can be stabilised
and used as manure

2.  Processing waste into refuse derived fuel (RDF) and using it for

a)Thermal application (e.g. cooking mid-day meals in schools)
b) Power generation by burning RDF

3.  Use of waste in gasifiers to convert it into producer gas and use it for power generation

These technology options are describes below

Anaerobic digestion
Solid and liquid wastes consist of both organic and inorganic constituents, and the degradation of the organic constituents can take place in the presence or absence of oxygen (air). When microbial degradation of organics takes place in the absence of air, the process is known as ‘anaerobic digestion’ or ‘biomethanation’. This results in the production of biogas, which contains methane, carbon dioxide and traces of other gases.

Anaerobic digestion occurs naturally in swamps, waterlogged soils and rice fields, deepwater bodies and in the digestive systems of animals. Anaerobic processes can take place in a reactor such as digester vessel, covered lagoon or landfill in order to recover the methane gas (as biogas), which can be used for power generation. Waste, which contains particulate organic material (waste sludge, food waste, vegetable waste, etc.), must first be solubilised by the action of extra cellular enzymes that are produced by the hydrolytic bacteria. The solubilisation of particulate material is relatively slow and takes time. The process can be sometimes hastened by chemical solubilisation or leaching.

After solubilisation, in next phase, wastes containing soluble organics will require short retention times for achieving high treatment efficiency to produce methane rich biogas using acidogenic and methanogenic bacteria.

The typical food waste orvegetable waste having moisture content of 45 per cent or more, is an ideal waste to be processed anaerobically as the process requires easily biodegradable waste with high moisture content. Typical composition of biogas can range from 45 to 65 per cent methane which can be used both for thermal as well as electrical applications. The leftover residue, as stated earlier, can be used as manure.

Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)
Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) commonly refers to solid waste that has been mechanically processed to produce a storable, transportable, and more homogeneous fuel for combustion. The typical processes involved in producing waste to RDF pellets include following steps:

a. l Drying to reduce moisture content
b.l Size reduction
c. l Screening
d.l Pneumatic separation for the removal of noncombustible
f.  l Mixing with additives
g. l Pelletisation

The waste is pre-processed to remove incombustible materials, thus increasing the calorific value of the fuel. The incombustible materials are removed using various mechanical methods for example, ferrous metals are remove during magnetic separators; glass, grit, and sand is removed through screening. Some systems utilize air classifiers, trommel screens or rotary drums to further refine the waste. To reduce the cost of producing RDF, one can also look at producing waste fluff instead of palletisation which adds to the cost, but pellets can be stored for longer time and can be transported easily. Good candidate wastes for producing RDF include agri residues, hard woody waste, waste plastics, paper, rags, leather and such organic waste which are not easily biodegradable and have low inherent moisture content (typically in the range of 10%).

RDF can be co-fired with fossil fuels in existing industrial (e.g. boilers in sugar mills or paper and pulp industry which are often located in rural areas) or utility boiler, or it can be used as the sole or primary fuel in specially designed “dedicated” boiler for producing either heat or power or both. Co-firing of RDF has the obvious advantage of capital cost savings since a new boiler is not required. However, RDF as the primary fuel burning in a dedicated boiler has become more common, since the dedicated boiler can be designed to accommodate some of the characteristics of RDF that can otherwise cause operating problems in existing boilers designed for conventional fuels

The processed RDF can also be used as fuelin cooking mid-day meals for the schools. Biomass based briquettes or pellets are already being used as fuel in such scheme in suitably designed stoves. Use of this fuel comes out to be cheaper than using LPG and thus reduces the cost of cooking. The gross calorific value of RDF with binder is in the range of 4000-4500 Kcal/Kg and without binder 3000-3700 Kcal/Kg.

If power generation through use of RDF is considered as an option in rural settings, itis suggested to use “hub and spoke” model wherein RDF processing is in semi-mechanised manner in decentralised locations, preferably close to the source of waste. This would not only ensure that the cost of processing is less but also transportation cost of waste is minimized and power generated in this manner can be easily transported and stored.

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